API / JavaScript / Belt / Float


This module includes convenience methods for handling float types.

let toInt: float => int;

Converts a given float to an int.

Js.log(Belt.Float.toInt(1.0) === 1); /* true */
let fromInt: int => float;

Converts a given int to a float.

Js.log(Belt.Float.fromInt(1) === 1.0); /* true */
let fromString: string => option(float);

Converts a given string to a float. Returns Some(float) when the input is a number, None otherwise.

Js.log(Belt.Float.fromString("1.0") === Some(1.0)); /* true */
let toString: float => string;

Converts a given float to a string. Uses the JavaScript String constructor under the hood.

Js.log(Belt.Float.toString(1.0) === "1.0"); /* true */
let (+): (float, float) => float;

Addition of two float values. Can be opened in a module to avoid dot-notation (+.), however this yields a shadow warning (Warning number 44) in the default configuration.

open Belt.Float; Js.log(2.0 + 2.0 === 4.0); /* true */
let (-): (float, float) => float;

Subtraction of two float values. Can be opened in a module to avoid dot-notation (-.), however this yields a shadow warning (Warning number 44) in the default configuration.

open Belt.Float; Js.log(2.0 - 1.0 === 1.0); /* true */
let ( * ): (float, float) => float;

Multiplication of two float values. Can be opened in a module to avoid dot-notation (*.), however this yields a shadow warning (Warning number 44) in the default configuration.

open Belt.Float; Js.log(2.0 * 2.0 === 4.0); /* true */
let (/): (float, float) => float;

Division of two float values. Can be opened in a module to avoid dot-notation (/.), however this yields a shadow warning (Warning number 44) in the default configuration.

open Belt.Float; Js.log(4.0 / 2.0 === 2.0); /* true */