module Int : Belt_SortArrayInt
Specalized when key type is int
, more efficient than the generic type
module String: Belt_SortArrayString
Specalized when key type is string
, more efficient than the generic type
let strictlySortedLengthU: (array('a), [@bs] (('a, 'a) => bool)) => int;
let strictlySortedLength: (array('a), ('a, 'a) => bool) => int;
strictlySortedLenght(xs, cmp);
return +n
means increasing order -n
means negative order
REBelt.SortArray.strictlySortedLength([|1, 2, 3, 4, 3|], (x, y) => x < y) == 4;
Belt.SortArray.strictlySortedLength([||], (x, y) => x < y) == 0;
Belt.SortArray.strictlySortedLength([|1|], (x, y) => x < y) == 1;
Belt.SortArray.strictlySortedLength([|4, 3, 2, 1|], (x, y) => x < y) == (-4);
let isSortedU: (array('a), [@bs] (('a, 'a) => int)) => bool;
let isSorted: (array('a), ('a, 'a) => int) => bool;
isSorted(arr, cmp)
: Returns true if array is increasingly sorted (equal is okay)
let stableSortInPlaceByU: (array('a), [@bs] (('a, 'a) => int)) => unit;
let stableSortInPlaceBy: (array('a), ('a, 'a) => int) => unit;
let stableSortByU: (array('a), [@bs] (('a, 'a) => int)) => array('a);
let stableSortBy: (array('a), ('a, 'a) => int) => array('a);
stableSortBy(xs, cmp)
: Returns a fresh array Sort xs
in place using
comparator cmp
, the stable means if the elements are equal, their order will
be preserved
let binarySearchByU: (array('a), 'a, [@bs] (('a, 'a) => int)) => int;
let binarySearchBy: (array('a), 'a, ('a, 'a) => int) => int;
If value is not found and value is less than one or more elements in array, the negative number returned is the bitwise complement of the index of the first element that is larger than value.
If value is not found and value is greater
than all elements in array, the negative number returned is the bitwise
complement of (the index of the last element plus 1)for example, if key
smaller than all elements return -1
since lnot(-1) == 0
if key
is larger
than all elements return lnot(-1) == 0
since lnot(- (len + 1)) == len
REBelt.SortArray.binarySearchBy([|1, 2, 3, 4, 33, 35, 36|], 33, == 4;
lnot(Belt.SortArray.binarySearchBy([|1, 3, 5, 7|], 4, == 2;